How Did a Civil Rights Legislation Spark a Backlash in American Politics?
FYI AFRICA The many faces of Africa around the world remains largely unheralded, unknown and at times, mythical. Weekly, our editors identify various subjects about Africa and unpack them for you. QUESTION Answer: For nearly 60 years, conservatives have been trying to gut the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the crowning achievement of the civil rights movement. As […]
Want To Study Abroad? Studying Overseas Is Making a Post-Pandemic comeback
DIASPORA NEWS From Africa, The Americas, Caribbean & the rest of the world. By David L Di Maria Before the pandemic struck in 2020, the number of U.S. students studying abroad had been pretty much rising steadily each year. Whereas more than 154,000 students from the U.S. participated in study abroad programs during the 2000-2001 […]