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Black People Read’ (BPR) Campaign

The ‘Black People Read’ campaign has been launched. An initiative by The African Times/USA, it is designed to promote and sustain the reading culture among Black people around the world. 

In times past, it was often derisively said that if you want to hide something from a Black person or any person of color, put it inside a book. However, times have changed, and The African Times/USA has taken measures to reverse the narrative.

“Today, said a Times’ literary executive, “Black People now read. 

This generation of Black people read. And this initiative is all about promoting, sustaining and maintaining that reading culture. The African Times/USA believe that readers are leaders. 

Through this initiative, The African Times hopes to inspire the next generation of leaders across different sectors among black people in the world”. 

In this year’s edition of #BlackPeopleRead challenge, The Times/USA  desires to encourage every proud African or person of color to read more than one book every week. 

From time to time, we will be doing a review of books and also, recommend new books. We will partner with other stakeholders to make some books available to interested persons. The ‘Black People Read’ (BPR) aims to be the biggest book club for black people in the world. 

To Join the challenge, these are the two criteria: 

1. One must be interested in reading. Make up your mind to read, read and read this year. Whether it is a book about business, history or general interest books, you must read this year. 

2. You can be a facilitator by joining efforts on mobilization, sponsorship, provision of books and reviews. You can contact us at: [email protected] 

3. You are encouraged to Invite and tag your friends.

At the end of the year, The Times will present prizes to some of the most active readers. 

Follow the campaign on all of The African Times/USA  social media platforms and/or: @theafricantimesusa for weekly updates on the BPR Campaign.


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